Sunday, June 30, 2013

Play Ball!

I love going to these games!

See how happy we are?

And the Orioles beat the Yankees 4-2. Good night.

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Cool views in Baltimore

Cool row homes.

Cool kid with a cannon.

And a cool view.

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Location:W Shore Promenade,Baltimore,United States

Camden Yards

Yay, baseball stadiums! I still have the goofball idea that we'll visit all the baseball stadiums (actually go to a game at each) with our kids.  This week we're checking Camden Yards off the list.

The game isn't until 8pm though, so we headed to the Inner Harbor to explore and find a snack.


We love our gelati (water ice with custard)...

Location:I-395 S,Baltimore,United States

Lightning and Stromboli

We landed in Philadelphia after some "severe turbulence" that really wasn't too bad, but then there was this...

We ended up sitting on the runway, 100 feet from the gate, for about an hour before we were allowed to deplane.
After that, onward from Philly through lousy traffic and rainy skies. That bad traffic made it so we could stop and get local Stromboli...definitely prefereable to swinging through a drive thru for fast food.
Now we're just outside DC for our family reunion until tomorrow morning. Here's the proof it's a family reunion:
1. Lots of kids

2.  A game of keep away in the pool

3.  A multi-generational game of football.

Team Gray Beards versus everyone.

By the end of the evening the number of players had doubled and the ages ranged from 3-75.

It was a good day. And it ended with sweaty hugs...

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Friday, June 28, 2013


It doesn't look great in the picture, through the propeller, but trust me...Rainier was gorgeous.   

SeaTac doesn't do much for me, but I liked this glass art.

Reading buddies. 

Yes, that's Spencer and me near the Cheez-It bag...always close to the food. 

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Wow, that's early

We had to get up at 4:00 this morning to start our trek to DC. The picture of Otto pretty much sums up how it felt. He wasn't happy to be left, but the people staying at our house are there by now so I'm sure he's forgotten all about us. Either way, we left and had our breakfast of champions at the airport Starbucks with all our luggage. Lovely.

Then headed to our gate, where we hoped to be flying on this...

But we weren't.

Arrived in Seattle- leg one done. Check.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

How Groupon planned my trip

I am not the travel agent in my family; and that makes me happy.  Jason loves the planning and organizing and, if possible, spreadsheeting of all things for our trip.  It's not a trait I was looking for in a spouse, but definitely was a bonus score for me.  It means that he figures out hotels, flights, cars, trains, etc. and I can just show up.

It also means that I can focus my time on more important things like monitoring the Georgetown Cupcake Facebook page 

for the secret flavor of the day that's only available to the first 100 people who mention it by name on a given day.  That's right people, cupcakes for breakfast!  Spencer and I are so excited!

Once all the heavy planning is done and we're mere hours away from leaving, I begin to "help."  It's at that point that I'll have some stray thought (like, ooh, those one friends said it was really fun touring DC on bikes; we should do that!) and then I'm off... I've found wonderful groupons

and I'm planning on us biking, paddle boarding and boating our way through the monuments (see how that works with the blog title?).  Now I'm excited about our trip!  Yay!


Side note-  I am not a total slacker.  I do a few things- laundry, get the boys packed, the dog taken care of, the house sat (and for some reason, clean?), the bills paid, blah, blah, blah.  Plus I'm pretty smiley and I hear that counts too.